
Contact Details

Company Name: Sealgar Limited

Company Owner: Donald I Macdonald

Address: 7 New Street, Back, Isle of Lewis, HS2 0LH

Telephone: 0161 40 82 262

(Please leave a voice message if your call is not answered -- all of these are listened to and will receive a response, unless you are some sort of unsolicited marketing caller. NB I occasionally get someone accuse me of claiming to live and work in Lewis, whilst having a Manchester area-code telephone number. This is because I use Skype for all my telephony, and they use Manchester area-code numbers for their Skype-In service.)

Email: solutions@sealgar.co.uk

About Sealgar

Sealgar is the name of the company under which I -- Donald I. Macdonald trade. Before setting up Sealgar, I worked for Iomart as a Java™ application developer, then spent four years working for the BBC, particularly the Gaelic websites under bbc.co.uk/alba.

The name of the company is a slight anglicisation of the Gaelic word Sealgair, which means "a hunter" or "one who hunts". It is pronounced something like "shall-gar".

I live and work on the Isle of Lewis in the Western Isles of Scotland. (Open a Google Map view of the island.) I am a fluent Gaelic speaker.

Although it is only tangentially related to my work, you can (should you wish) find me on twitter as @donald_i.